October 16, 2024
We are very proud to announce that ePARK Group has won the tender and been selected as one of the authorized operators to replace Stockholm City’s parking payment service, “Betala P.” Starting on October 1, 2024, ePARK will offer all residents and visitors in Stockholm the opportunity to pay for on-street parking without additional service fees, providing a more convenient and beneficial parking experience.
In December 2023, the Traffic Committee of Stockholm City decided to discontinue the municipal payment service "Betala P" and replace it with a new system that accepts several external payment services. This means that Stockholm residents can now choose from four different providers to pay for their parking.
Benefits for Stockholm Residents with ePARK:
• No Service Fees: With the ePARK app, you can pay for parking without hidden fees or additional charges.
• Simple and User-Friendly App: Our easy-to-use app makes it quick and simple to manage your parking.
• Parking Insurance: When you start your parking session, you can easily add parking insurance through the app.
For more information, please contact:
Håkan Thorén
Email: hakan.thoren@epark.se
Phone: 070-914 97 14
October 16, 2024